Forza Horizon 4 Auction House Needs An Alteration 
Author: Hendrix Kiflom | April 21st, 2021
Ah, the auction house. The one place where you can purchase any car you wish as long as you have the funds to match your hearts desire. Honda Civic, Bugatti Chiron and everything in between are just a slight peek of the many options available. You can spend as little as 10,000 CR for a vehicle or work your way up to 20 million CR. Compact cars, super cars, and more can be spotted for sale in the auction house.

Here’s the kicker. The auction house can get pretty wild. One minute you’re securing a great deal on a 2017 Ford GT. Next thing you know, the car gets bought out in the blink of an eye. You didn't even have a chance to react. Yea, that’s the auction house for ya. The guys that buy out cars at the last millisecond are called snipers. They're out to win auctions seconds before they close. Snipers are so fast at winning auctions that you don’t have enough time to try and out bid them. They seem to bid at the perfect time.

This seems to be a recurring issue in Forza Horizon 4’s auction house. Auction house users, including myself, run into these snipers. I’ve had multiple experiences where I was going to win an auction for a car. Then I get outbid and the auction closes. It’s so frustrating because I would love to get the chance to outbid the snipers. It feels like a battle I can’t win.

I’ve done some research and found out these snipers train themselves to be good at winning auctions. They’ve learned to get the timing down and even spend hours on end hunting deals to snipe. These snipers spend time finding cars for great deals, buying them at the last second, and  going back to resell the same exact car for a huge profit. It becomes a pain for individuals like myself. We’re just trying to buy a car and spend time driving it. Now we have to be on the lookout for these snipers.

It seems the best way to deal with these snipers is to learn their strategies and try to give them a taste of their own medicine. The challenge is getting the timing down. Next thing you know it, you’ve become a sniper. We end up spending a lot of our time trying to buy the car we want instead of actually enjoying the car.

I recommend a change to the auction house system. If the bids keep increasing in value, even after the original timer reaches 0 seconds, folks should be able to continue bidding till there’s one winner. This eliminates the issue of snipers who come in at the last second and snag an auction without a chance for anyone else to counter the snipers bid. 

My suggestion to fix the Forza Horizon auction house will make it as close as possible to real auction houses that take place in the world. Real life auction houses don’t have guys that snipe at the last second without anyone else to counter. Real auction houses lets bids come in and wait a few moments for someone else to offer a higher bid. That way it’s fair and everyone has a chance to win the car. Thus, the true winner of an auction is one who spends the most money, not the one who's the fastest at placing a bid.

Hendrix Kiflom 

Hendrix Kiflom helps racing games get realistic engine sounds by introducing a new method of replicating car noises.

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